Primary Health Care

Providing comprehensive services, Primary health care (PHC) addresses a country's most significant health needs. It includes family planning, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of common diseases and chronic conditions. It also enables individuals to take charge of their own health.
The Alma-Ata Declaration, signed in 1978 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, identifies primary health care as a key to achieving health for all. The declaration gained some traction in its day, but implementation has stalled for a number of reasons. The Declaration was reaffirmed by governments and health organizations in the Astana Declaration, which was signed in 2018. The main objectives of
Meridian Primary Care Services are to prevent and control endemic diseases, maintain the health of the population, and respond to sudden crises. It is essential to coordinate primary health care with other levels of the health system, as well as with other sectors of the country's total development strategy.
The OECD Health Division has been conducting a program of work to strengthen primary care systems in OECD countries. The goal of scaling up PHC interventions is to increase average life expectancy by 3.7 years by 2030. In order to reach this goal, investment of between US$ 200 and 370 billion per year will be required.
The World Health Organization defines PHC as the core of an integrated health service system. This includes the provision of essential technologies and services, as well as the control of non-communicable diseases and food safety. It also includes promotion of proper nutrition, mental health, lifestyle, and the environment.
The WHO and UNICEF elaborated a strategy for primary health care. The strategy emphasizes the importance of establishing a strong primary health care system, which is organized in multidisciplinary teams. These teams include health professionals, community leaders, and stakeholders. This system ensures continuity of care for all and facilitates access to essential health services. A primary healthcare system should build community capability, which is necessary for addressing complex social issues.
In the past, PHC systems have been focused on treating the sick. Today, however, most people visit a GP as the first step when they have a non-emergency medical condition. A more people-centered approach, however, requires increased self-care options, team-based care models, and study of patient wants. In addition to increasing access to health care, PHC systems should also provide education about health problems.
Primary Care Doctor will help the community make rational decisions about secondary health care.
Primary health care is also a key component of a resilient health system, which can better detect outbreaks and maintain essential health programs during a crisis. By decentralizing health services, communities can make better use of resources, eliminate waste, and avoid areas of wastage.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is working to develop a federal foundation for primary health care, with a focus on transparency and public participation. The HHS is engaging diverse stakeholders, including patient advocates, subject matter experts, and other federal offices. They are coordinating the development of a HHS Action Plan, which is scheduled to be released in 2022.
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